Monday, 15 August 2016

Dream Story series - Forbearance Of Ali Bn Hussain

Presents :
                     *DREAM STORY SERIES*
Titled : *"The Forbearance of 'Ali bn Husain"*

*Abdur-Razzaq related that  a slave girl who belonged to 'Ali bn Husain (Peace be upon him) was pouring water over him so he could make ablution, the jug fell from her hand, landed on his face and fractured his bone.*
He raised his head to her and knowing he is angry, she recited apart of verse from The Qur'an which says :
"...والكظمين الغيظ ......

   *"....Who repress anger..."* (Qur'an 3 Verse 134)

He ('Ali bn Husain) said "I have indeed controlled my anger". She then recited :

"....والعافين عن الناس .....
*"....Who pardon men..."* (Qur'an 3 verse 134)

He ('Ali bn Husain) said "May Allah forgive You". She then recited the end of the verse :
"....والله يحب المحسنين

*"...Verily Allah loves the Muhsinun (The good doers)"*
(Qur'an 3 Verse 134).

He ('Ali bn Husain) Then said to her "You're free for the countenance of Allah"


We are all aiming to be like the pious predecessors and we claim to follow the teachings of the Prophet yet when a little thing happens we get angry over it. Even going to the length of calling our muslim brothers and Sisters names just because we have differences in matter of Religion all in the name of Anger.
Let us try as much as possible to overcome our anger, The powerful one is he who conquers his anger.
May Allah grant us patience, May He forgive our shortcomings and grant us all goodness. Aameen

*Adapted from* : اللؤلؤ المنثور. *(Gems and Jewels)*
by *Abdul-Malik Mujahid*

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